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Wysokość: 859 m n.p.m.
Polska > podkarpackie
Typ skrzynki:
Gotowa do szukania
Data ukrycia: 03-10-2011
Data utworzenia: 03-10-2011
Data opublikowania: 03-10-2011
Ostatnio zmodyfikowano: 24-03-2014
30x znaleziona
0x nieznaleziona
2 komentarze
7 obserwatorów
78 odwiedzających
20 x oceniona
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mapę lokalizacji skrzynki
The hut was built in the 1950's as the military observation post with observation tower on the top of Horodek Mountain 889m (not far away from tourist trail Lopiennik-Dolzyca). Later it was mountain hut, and from the 1965 it's owner were students organisations from Warsaw. The hut burnt in 1977. Now you can find remains of observation tower on Horodek, and ruins of the cellar just under the top.
N 49° 13.956' 22° 20.815' - Top of the Horodek Mountain, ruins of the tower and benchmark.
Geocache is hidden in the stove
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