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Wysokość: 79 m n.p.m.
Polska > mazowieckie
Typ skrzynki:
Gotowa do szukania
0:06 h
Długość trasy:
0.10 km
Data ukrycia: 19-11-2006
Data utworzenia: 20-11-2006
Data opublikowania: 20-11-2006
Ostatnio zmodyfikowano: 17-12-2010
143x znaleziona
3x nieznaleziona
2 komentarze
8 obserwatorów
64 odwiedzających
74 x oceniona
Oceniona jako:
Musisz się zalogować,
aby zobaczyć współrzędne oraz
mapę lokalizacji skrzynki
Można zabrać dzieciaki / Kid Friendly |
Niepełnosprawni niestety nie / No Wheelchair Access |
Historyczne miejsce / Historic Site |
Można podjechać rowerem / Bicycles permitted on paths |
Dostęp zima OK / Accessible in Winter |
Można zabrać psa / Dogs Allowed |
Można podjechać samochodem / Less than 500 ft. from car to cache |
Fort Janówek, also known as "fort IV", was a part of the inner circle of forts surrounding Modlin Fortress. Together with fort IVA (also known as fort XVII) formed Janówek group of forts which also included some infantry dugouts and earthworks located north of them near road 631.
The fort is very well preserved and is certainly an interesting place to visit. Bring the torchlight if you plan to lurk in the tunnels inside the fort.
Cache is a small plastic box hidden in a small rectangular opening at the fort's wall, left to one of the entrances to the inner tunnels. Some brick parts cover the cache inside the opening.
This cache, as well as many others from Poland, is also registered at If you hit the cache please also consider registering your find
here, too. Thank you.
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