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Zobacz statystykę skrzynki
Forty Twierdzy Warszawa cz. 2 / Warsaw Fortress Forts part 2 - OP00C4
Właściciel: SNUFFER
Zaloguj się, by zobaczyć współrzędne.
Wysokość: 87 m n.p.m.
 Województwo: Polska > mazowieckie
Typ skrzynki: Multicache
Wielkość: Duża
Status: Zarchiwizowana
Czas: 4:00 h    Długość trasy: 19.00 km
Data ukrycia: 12-11-2006
Data utworzenia: 13-11-2006
Data opublikowania: 13-11-2006
Ostatnio zmodyfikowano: 05-12-2010
8x znaleziona
1x nieznaleziona
8 komentarze
watchers 4 obserwatorów
4 odwiedzających
5 x oceniona
Oceniona jako: znakomita
Musisz się zalogować,
aby zobaczyć współrzędne oraz
mapę lokalizacji skrzynki
Atrybuty skrzynki

Można zabrać dzieci  Miejsce historyczne 

Zapoznaj się z opisem atrybutów OC.
This is the second part of the tour around the forts of the Warsaw Fortress. This multicache will bring you to three more forts:

Fort Czerniaków, also known as fort "Sadyba" or fort "Dąbrowski". Originally marked as fort no. IX served as an important strongpoint in the defense of Warsaw in September 1939. Soldiers of the 360rd Inf Regt, along with the volunteers of "Ordon" batallion made a glorious stand there, fighting to the last bullet.
Today, the fort hosts a branch of the Polish Army Museum and has dozens of tanks, armoured vehicles, airplanes and other military equipment on display. The entrance is free, 10-14 hrs, Wed-Sun.
When looking for the cache you have to locate an old English searchlight at the end of a concrete paved path.
Cache is a small plastic container wrapped in a plastic bag.

Fort Służew, also known as fort VIII. The barracks' part is reasonably well preserved and is nicely blended with houses surrounding the fort. Geremans used to keep their horses in the fort during the war.
What you are looking for is a small plastic bag containing coordinates to the main cache.

Fort Bema: part of the inner ring of forts of the Warsaw Fortress (originally known as Fort II), sometimes called fort "Parysów" or fort "Powązki". Between 1924 and 1939 The Munitions Factory No. 1, located in the fort, used to chunk out 2,3 million pieces of ammo per month. In 1939 the fort was an important part of the Warsaw's outer defense line. Soldiers of the 144th Inf Regt had beaten off numerous attacks of the German's 18th Inf Div and hold their ground untill the capitulation of Warsaw.
Today the site remains an interesting place for a weekend's walk or a bike ride. It's spread over a large area and the path winding its way along the embankments make for an excellent trail.
You are looking for a big plastic box swollen with gadgets, a brand new Geolutin and a bookcrossing book (oh well, this one's in Polish)

This cache, as well as many others from Poland, is also registered at If you hit the cache please also consider registering your find here, too. Thank you.


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Dodatkowe informacje
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Fort Służew
Spoiler Fort Służew
Fort Czerniaków
Fort Czerniaków
Fort Czerniaków
Fort Czerniaków
Spoiler Fort Czerniaków
Fort Bema
Fort Bema
Fort Bema
Fort Bema
Spoiler Fort Bema
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