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Cmentarz nr 51 Rotunda - OP2961
Cemetery No 51 Rotunda
Owner: meteor2017
This cache belongs to GeoPath!
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Altitude: 702 m. ASL.
 Region: Poland > małopolskie
Cache type: Traditional
Size: Regular
Status: Ready for Search
Date hidden: 30-06-2010
Date created: 29-06-2010
Date published: 30-06-2010
Last modification: 15-04-2021
71x Found
2x Not found
6 notes
watchers 9 watchers
78 visitors
47 x rated
Rated as: Excellent
8 x recommended
This cache is recommended by: freney, koshack, night_time, norbinorek, R-Sol, ronja, Seamair, vonStirlitz
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Cache attributes

Go geocaching with children  Nature  Monumental place 

Please read the Opencaching attributes article.
Description EN PL

War Cemetery No 51 was built during I World War. It was designed by Slovak architekt Dušan Jurkovič, and is located on lower peak (771m) of mountain Rotunda in Beskid Niski. There are 20 single and 4 mass graves, where are buried Austro-Hungarian and 12 Russian soldiers killed in battle 16-21 February and 18-31 March 1915.

The cemetery is round, surrounded by a stone wall, with five towers referring to the Slavic pagan sacred buildings (gontyna). There is stone tablet on the pedestal of the largest tower, with a poem by Hans Hauptmann.

Geocache is hidden in the ruins of watchtower near the cemetery. A lot of nettles there.

Additional hints
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Nature reserve areas
This geocache is probably placed in a nature protection area NATURA 2000 :
Beskid Niski  -  PLB180002
Projekt cmentarza
W czasie budowy
Wizualizacja odbudowy (Mariusz Rams i Tomasz Sus ze "Studia 2,26")
Rekonstrukcja drogowskazu w dolinie
Ruiny wieży-gontyny
Zrekonstruowane krzyże
Odbudowa wieży-gontyny
Stan na czerwiec 2010 - stoją dwie wieże
Tablica informacyjna
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