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Je moet ingelogd zijn om deze cache te loggen of te bewerken.
Toon cache statistieken
Twierdza Kłodzka - minery - OP0557
Let's blow up some artillery piece from underground!
Eigenaar: klw_wro
Log in om de coördinaten te kunnen zien.
Hoogte: 342 meter NAP
 Provincie: Polen > dolnośląskie
Cache soort: Multi Cache
Grootte: Normaal
Status: Kan gezocht worden
Tijd: 1:00 h    Lengte: 1.00 km
Geplaatst op: 20-07-2007
Gemaakt op: 20-07-2007
Gepubliceerd op: 20-07-2007
Laatste verandering: 20-07-2007
27x Gevonden
0x Niet gevonden
2 Opmerkingen
watchers 17 Volgers
205 x Bekeken
23 x Gewaardeerd
Beoordeeld als: uitstekend
16 x Aanbevolen
Deze cache is aanbevolen door: AER, boksyt, dzaczek, galowianie, Grandmaster, Katherine, matooh, Mauri16, Medivh, Nefryt+, niemen, opozona, rodzinkachłodnych, slawekragnar, xlud, yar
Om de coördinaten en de kaart te zien
van de caches
moet men ingelogd zijn
Beschrijving EN PL

This one won't be an easy catch. Kids and dogs should stay at home. If you are not hunderd percent fit - let it go. If you're claustrophobic or scared of darkness - forget it, you won't have any fun. If you're afraid of getting mud all over yourself - leave it, since you are likely to get so.


It is NOT a route for a regular sightseer. You are entring on your own risk!


A flashlight (plus spare if possible) and rugged shoes are necessary, and you might want a change of clothes if you would like to pass for a good citizen after you're done.


Coords point to the place from where it's optimal to charge the dry moat. This part of the site (close around to the fence) is supervised, so you must do fast and quietly.

It's a joining of two fences - one is wire mesh painted red, the other is bars with spikes. You need to get behind the spiked one - the easiest is to climb the mesh fence (lower) and jump on the right side. From that spot you will see the dry moat into which you proceed. Don't get scared of the standing water in this part of the moat - it really is dry moat later on, and there is a safe passage on the right hand side of the pond. Some lengths past the turn you should see a hole in the left wall - it's the entrance to the miner corridors. Look for the first cache in the first shooting slot on the left, looking at the entrance. It holds the sketch map of the route through the tunnels to the conclusive treasure. Take the map, light the torches and enter the underworld.


More on the history of Twierdza Kłodzka -

(unfortunatelly, only in Polish), or google for Festung Glatz.


The miners corridors is a net of the underground tunnels built in 18th century that enabled the garrison of the fortress to approach the enemy positions and blow them up with expolsives. Little is known, if they had ever been used, but the numerous stalls in the tunnels are as ready, as they have been for almost 3 centuries, and you can still see the grooves in the floor made for gunpowder trails. Tunnels are relatively narrow and at lengths really low. No rats were spotted, just some snails and frogs. There's really lots of the tunnels, sometimes you might feel like in the labitynth - feel free to explore! Nevertheless there is a system, so it's hard to get lost once you get used to it, but when the light goes out there might be a problem. You will see some great woven baskest lying here and there - they're an artifact of a cheap wine factory that once was in the fort and went bankrupt in 1995.


The conclusive cache holds: logbook and pencil (n.f.t); a teddy bear, postcard with Loda Halama, beads, hematite necklace, tatting and something to hang on a christmass tree.


Good luck!


If you became interested in miner corridors but do not feel like taking a risk, there is a part of tunnels made available for the public with a guide – costs around 15 zł (check in Twierdza Kłodzka). Please, don’t mention about the cache in the „wild” tunnels – they might tend to be touchy on that part ;)

Extra hints
Je moet ingelogd zijn om de hints te zien
Uwaga na ciecia!
"Sucha" fosa - widać płot
Cache #1 - mapa w środku
Wejśce do minerów
Cache #2 - zdjęcie rentgenowskie ;)
Ekipa chowająca przy wejściu