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 Wpisy do logu Rendezvous 2017    8x 8x {{log_note}} 2x  

2638591 2017-11-04 22:15 mic@ (user activity12) - Uczestniczył w spotkaniu

Thank You everybody for joining this first international video meeting !!!
It´s main purpose was to check out the possibilities of and the performance with many users logged into it.

@local team: If You like this meeting, then try to establish it on your site on a regular basis, e.g. every first saturday of a month.
Then You can discuss about new features on the platfrom, new apps, nice gimmicks, upcoming events, problems and hints and so on.
And if You record the session, then it´s easy to publish the conversation as a podcast (audio) or on a special youtube channel (video). 
Last but not least we should repeat it again, maybe on a yearly basis so that each (pl + .uk + .us team can show what
is has been added on their local site and other global topics like OKAPI.

Best wishes from Berlin, Mic@