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 Wpisy do logu ACHTUNG ACHTUNG SZKOP(P-721)    {{found}} 125x {{not_found}} 1x {{log_note}} 9x  

1024235 2013-09-18 10:45 los golfos de berlin (user activity5) - Znaleziona

That was a nice trip with a nice group and a * lot * of walking in the underground. Some of our group members had not visited the geocache in PAA 730 yet, the owner wanted to see if there is everything fine and there were also some who already went to the MRU and wanted to see different parts.

The first thing was to get a sufficient good translation of the cache description. Check.
Second: find an entrance to the MRU. Check.
Third: climb a lot of stairs. Check.

So we finally reached the playground and found the reservoirs quickly. But the rest not;-)It took four persons to find the first stage. The symbols were helpful, the Polish words not, but could have something to do with our missing language knowledge.

The final box was located easy, Fortunately our youngest teammember knew his part. So we could sign the logbook.

Thanks a lot for showing the old reservoirs and the well preserved gear wheels.