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Wysokość: 83 m n.p.m.
Polska > mazowieckie
Typ skrzynki:
Data ukrycia: 12-10-2013
Data utworzenia: 07-11-2013
Data opublikowania: 07-11-2013
Ostatnio zmodyfikowano: 02-12-2020
128x znaleziona
12x nieznaleziona
8 komentarze
5 obserwatorów
62 odwiedzających
74 x oceniona
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mapę lokalizacji skrzynki
A long, long time ago, circa in the 10th century, not so far away, there was a settlement of a quite and peaceful people.
They cultivated the land, hunted the game and gathered the fruits of the forest.
The one who had the forest and the game under his care was Leszy, and because people did not destroy the forest and kill the game in vain, so Leszy lived at peace with the people.
One day, Licho (Devil) dragged oneself to the village, pots were breaking for no reason, hatchets blunting, arrowheads coming off the shaft. So people began to bring Leszy the gifts and ask him for help.
But Leszy could do nothing, as he had only a power to defend the animals and the forest. It was sad for him to see the suffering of the people, whom he considered as his own. It was made poorly wherefore and the folks became increasingly morose and Licho became increasingly audacious.
It was not enough to trouble the people, so the nearby animals and forest began to suffer. Birds died, the trees began to rot and the animals began to be ill.
Leszy got angry in earnest and bound a powerful spell forged right from the nature to tie Licho that would bring misery no more. "When Licho, in bad faith, will touch even a leaf, for a hundred years will change in a thing he touched."
So it happened, Licho, which wanted destroy a tree, after a while in place of the tree stayed.
But for Leszy it was not enough revenge for all the evil made to the people and the forest. So he collected all the gifts that people had brought and placed it in the hole from the Licho’s mouth to seal the spell forever.
He warned his people to never leave Licho’s mouth empty because then the spell will break and bad Licho return...
To this day, Licho stays enchanted in the tree and keeps in his mouth a treasure.
Remember, if you take something from the treasure, leave something for Licho to not let the Leszy’s words come true ...
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