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Pałacyk - OP427E
"Small Mansion" - villa of Schaffgotsch family in Wroclaw
Właściciel: kociruch
Zaloguj się, by zobaczyć współrzędne.
Wysokość: 121 m n.p.m.
 Województwo: Polska > dolnośląskie
Typ skrzynki: Tradycyjna
Wielkość: Mikro
Status: Zarchiwizowana
Data ukrycia: 18-10-2011
Data utworzenia: 18-10-2011
Data opublikowania: 18-10-2011
Ostatnio zmodyfikowano: 13-03-2015
156x znaleziona
4x nieznaleziona
15 komentarze
watchers 9 obserwatorów
6 odwiedzających
102 x oceniona
Oceniona jako: dobra
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aby zobaczyć współrzędne oraz
mapę lokalizacji skrzynki
Atrybuty skrzynki

Dostępna rowerem  Weź coś do pisania  Przyczepiona magnesem  Miejsce historyczne 

Zapoznaj się z opisem atrybutów OC.
Schaffgotsch Palace in Wroclaw at 34 Kosciuski Street - proved villa, built in 1890 at the direction of Hans Ulrich von Schaffgotsch (the so-called. Silesian Schaffgotsch family line), designed by K. Heidenreich as a result of expansion of an older building - G. van Hees house that was here since 1862. Schaffgotsch bought a plot in 1887 and recommended the extension of the house to three wing palace in the Renaissance style, with a tower, numerous bay windows, dormers, etc. The facade is veneered with red brick with light-colored sandstone detailing, in front of the palace's courtyard at the rear was a garden, originally in style in English.

Hans Ulrich von Schaffgotsch died in 1915 and after his death the palace became the owner of the Protestant community of the parish of St. Mary Magdalene.

During the siege of Festung Breslau damaged, after the reconstruction in the possession of the city, was used for residential purposes. In 1956 the city sent the Polish Students' Association building, which arrange student club at the "Mansion House". In 1972 a fire broke out here, carried out renovation completed in 1975 and since then the building is used for various cultural purposes (such as there was a cinema, closed in 2003) and entertainment (popular in the 90's disco, pub "Samo Zycie" and snooker club). Currently, the entire facility is managed by the Academic Center for Culture and the Arts "Mansion House".

Wikipedia knows so much:)

A hiding place.

It is a small container containing a logbook only, so be sure to grab something to write. Due to limited space, please do "economical" entries to carry as many visits as it possible. The container will not fit even the smallest forfeits, so do not even try to do it:)

Good luck!

Translated by google, if you have better translatiion let me know.