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Wysokość: 74 m n.p.m.

Polska > mazowieckie

Typ skrzynki:


Gotowa do szukania


Długość trasy:
5.00 km

Data ukrycia: 29-11-2009

Data utworzenia: 04-12-2009

Data opublikowania: 04-12-2009

Ostatnio zmodyfikowano: 27-10-2013

79x znaleziona

1x nieznaleziona

9 komentarze
6 obserwatorów

131 odwiedzających

44 x oceniona

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Musisz się zalogować,
aby zobaczyć współrzędne oraz
mapę lokalizacji skrzynki
Berlin-Moscow Higway is the Ławska Road., the cache is
hidden in abandoned Ławy village. What happened here? Kampinos
National Park buys private grounds since 1976. People sell their
farms, and move away from here. That's why many villages have
disappeared. You can find abandoned buildings, sometimes only
foundations, cellars, wells.
There are not many remains of the Ławy village - only crosses on
the road junctions, bridge on the Zaborów Canal, and few ruins of
the buildings (but not near the tourist trail). Also these
mysterious signposts.
What about the cache? Well, everybody go to Berlin, but if you want
to find it, you must go to Moscow.
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