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Wysokość: 2 m n.p.m.
Estonia > Eesti
Typ skrzynki:
Gotowa do szukania
0:15 h
Długość trasy:
0.02 km
Data ukrycia: 08-07-2009
Data utworzenia: 10-07-2009
Data opublikowania: 10-07-2009
Ostatnio zmodyfikowano: 01-09-2009
10x znaleziona
0x nieznaleziona
0 komentarze
0 obserwatorów
49 odwiedzających
6 x oceniona
Oceniona jako:
Musisz się zalogować,
aby zobaczyć współrzędne oraz
mapę lokalizacji skrzynki
Welcome on the Small Strait Damm (Väikese väina tamm) the largest causeway in Estonia which connects Saaremaa and Muhu islands. It measures approx. 3.5km and construction took 2 years (1894 - 27.07.1896). It was built from both coasts simultaneously using a stone foundation laid on bundles of twigs to prevent sinking into the mud sea bottom. Local peasants were paid to transport the stones by boats. One of the stone sources was the Muhu Stronghold which provided 1000 cube meters of this material. The causeway has been repeatadly repaired (after wars and destructive weather conditions), elevated and widened. It has greatly eased traffic costs and speed but has a negative ecological effect by blocking fish spawning routes and natural water movement.
Materials used:
About the cache
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Container is a 0.8l plastic hermetic box (dimensions: 16 x 8 x 6 cm) put in black plastic bag.
Original contents
» logbook, pencil, sharpener, FTF diploma, GC instructions
» green stone, yellow marble, Polish coin, surprise egg toy, candle, mushrooms, lock, butterfly necklace, princess badge, pumpkin eraser
» GeoKret:
GeoKret B&B's Doctor Octopus
Happy hunting and don't get yourself blown off the damm!
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