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Tu była ulica Żeńców - OP4826
the place that look completely different than it used to be not a long time ago
Właściciel: Maciek_B
Ta skrzynka należy do GeoŚcieżki!
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Wysokość: 108 m n.p.m.
 Województwo: Polska > mazowieckie
Typ skrzynki: Tradycyjna
Wielkość: Mała
Status: Gotowa do szukania
Data ukrycia: 10-02-2012
Data utworzenia: 10-02-2012
Data opublikowania: 10-02-2012
Ostatnio zmodyfikowano: 02-10-2023
144x znaleziona
4x nieznaleziona
3 komentarze
watchers 13 obserwatorów
93 odwiedzających
80 x oceniona
Oceniona jako: dobra
4 x rekomendowana
Skrzynka rekomendowana przez: Elvis7, jaculo, keram58, Namarie
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mapę lokalizacji skrzynki
Atrybuty skrzynki

Można zabrać dzieci  Dostępna rowerem  Przyczepiona magnesem 

Zapoznaj się z opisem atrybutów OC.
Extra attributes of the cache

Although today this place does not look very attractive, the cache was founded in order to show how much a place can change in a quite short time.

The name of the street (today no longer existing) came probably from a literature work by Szymon Szymonowic.

If we had came here just a few years ago, we would have got the impression that we were somewhere in the countryside, for sure not in Warsaw. Despite the neighbourhood of large blocks of flats, here we could see some tiny, one or two-floored wooden houses, probably built already before the war or just after it. They were not historical monuments for sure, but they remembered really old times. There were some small garden farms next to some of them. At Żeńców street there were also greenhouses. They were visible from the old viaduct of Powstańców Śląskich street (which today looks also quite differently).

In first years of 21st century a purchase of land for new S8 motorway began. Those small houses became then neglected and ruined. If we look at the pictures from 2007 we can see that most of them was already abandoned at that time, their windows were covered with bricks and we can also see some signs in front of them saying: “No entrance ! State property !”. In 2008 the construction of S8 motorway began, and the houses had been demolished, one by one. The motorway took quite a big area, not only single houses, but fragments of the whole streets disappeared at that time: Żeńców and Brzeżek streets vanished completely and Siodlarska and Wieśniacza streets were shortened.

The cache is situated on a narrow part of land, between railway line to Warsaw steelworks and S8 motorway, exactly in the place, where one of the houses at Żeńców street used to stand.

It is actually not obvious how to reach this place:
1. The best way is to take a ground road which goes from Marynin street. The first part of this road is accessible for car. The road goes between railway line and S8 motorway.
2. It is also possible to walk down Siodlarska street (next to tennis court) from Górce estate and then cross the railway line. But there is no official crossing in this place, it is necessary to go down and then climb up a little bit. So you have to be really careful ! Watch out for the trains ! Actually, they ride here rather slowly and not very often, but usually at least one a day runs here ! You have to take a look, before you go down to the railway track, if a train approaches or not !
3. You can also arrive by tram number 20 to Siodlarska stop or walk/ride to Alma shop at Wrocławska street, then cross a footbridge over S8 motorway, and then just as in point 2.

Attention – there is no possibility to pass from Powstańców Śląskich street !

Attention 2 – it is not necessary to walk to the ‘inner’ side of noise barriers (meaning to the side of the motorway), actually it is not nice at all because of huge noise.

Dodatkowe waypointy
Symbol Typ Współrzędne Opis
Początek ścieżki --- Polecane dojście z tego miejsca - z okolic przystanku Marynin (cały czas wzdłuż trasy S-8)
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