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Wysokość: 422 m n.p.m.
Polska > podkarpackie
Typ skrzynki:
Gotowa do szukania
Data ukrycia: 07-05-2010
Data utworzenia: 05-05-2010
Data opublikowania: 07-05-2010
Ostatnio zmodyfikowano: 28-04-2022
93x znaleziona
3x nieznaleziona
4 komentarze
4 obserwatorów
75 odwiedzających
58 x oceniona
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mapę lokalizacji skrzynki
Jasiolka River at this point came across an obstacle (mountain range) and formed a thin, deep valley with steep slopes, between two mountains - Piotrus and Ostra . This part of the valley and the slopes of Ostra Mountain are protected since 1976 as Jasiolka Gorge Nature Reserve. I would add that this is not the only nature reserve in the Jasiolka Valley, there is als Jasiolka Springs Nature Reserve.
There's the green tourist trail goin at the border of nature reserve, and educational trail going througl nature reserve. There's also camping site near the road.
Geocache is located between camping site and nature reserve, under the ruins of the old bridge on Jasiolka River.
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