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Wysokość: 115 m n.p.m.
Polska > mazowieckie
Typ skrzynki:
Gotowa do szukania
Data ukrycia: 16-04-2010
Data utworzenia: 13-04-2010
Data opublikowania: 16-04-2010
Ostatnio zmodyfikowano: 18-04-2016
51x znaleziona
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5 komentarze
6 obserwatorów
77 odwiedzających
34 x oceniona
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I discovered this place near Sucha River (it means Dry River) long ago, while I was biking through forests around my hometown. It was a mystery to me, "why the orthodox cross stand on this hill in the middle of Masovia?" Maybe Orthodox minority live/lived here? Maybe Russian colonization in this region from in nineteenth century? Or maybe it's a soldier's grave ... and rather not from the last war (there would be red star, not the cross on the soviet partisan's or Red Army soldier's grave). Later, when I learned a lot about history of the Masovia, I realized it's probably grave from the time of I World War.
In recent years, the new cross was placed here, and fence was changed (the old wooden fence lies down near the bush), also catholic cross was placed here, and... tablet from the grave of a German soldier who died in 1915. And this is another mystery - where they have found it? Was it really here, or maybe it's from the other cemetery? This plate is unusual, it has military rank written in Polish, I haven't anything like that on the German war cemeteries in this region..
I have hidden geocache in the birch roots, and secured with sticks (I hope it will prevent animals from taking it off).
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