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Wysokość: 216 m n.p.m.
Polska > łódzkie
Typ skrzynki:
0:05 h
Długość trasy:
Data ukrycia: 07-08-2009
Data utworzenia: 07-08-2009
Data opublikowania: 07-08-2009
Ostatnio zmodyfikowano: 18-02-2018
191x znaleziona
5x nieznaleziona
2 komentarze
12 obserwatorów
95 odwiedzających
156 x oceniona
Oceniona jako:
6 x rekomendowana
Skrzynka rekomendowana przez:
boksyt, Efedryna, KozaK, lavinka, pawwwel, tomwid
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aby zobaczyć współrzędne oraz
mapę lokalizacji skrzynki
The build of Poznań - Konin - Kutno railway has started at 1941. The water tower, rails and all the buildings around was a german military base. The water tower equipped huge german armor-plated trains of the water.
All the train base has been built by the Jews, Polish and British prisoners from nearby camp at 1941-1945.
This tower is one of three identical towers in Poland. It is 35m high. The walls has about 100cm - tower construction is very proof, in case of allies air rides. Today the tower is only a monument of the war time. The rails around it until today are using for train transport. Near this place, 15 years ago was a biggest rail container station in Europe and it exist until today.
Cache is a small viagra-container. You can find it about 2m above ground.
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