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Wysokość: 360 m n.p.m.
Polska > śląskie
Typ skrzynki:
Gotowa do szukania
Data ukrycia: 01-07-2009
Data utworzenia: 02-07-2009
Data opublikowania: 02-07-2009
Ostatnio zmodyfikowano: 01-06-2013
61x znaleziona
2x nieznaleziona
10 komentarze
13 obserwatorów
244 odwiedzających
52 x oceniona
Oceniona jako:
18 x rekomendowana
Skrzynka rekomendowana przez:
AER, aniol82, Cebulka, Dęby, freney, galowianie, Kika, KrystianT, mateuszAZL, Nannette, OrMiGroup, Pillow, Przemo1, R-Sol, rubin, tboniasty, Wookhash, yabay
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aby zobaczyć współrzędne oraz
mapę lokalizacji skrzynki
The cave is known for a long time. Perhaps it is one of the three sites mentioned in 1913 by S. Lencewicz. He mentions the caves, which is called Hell, Purgatory and Heaven. In its inventory K. Smith describes the just adjacent to the dry cave shelter.Inventoried by M. Czepiel in 1974. The dry cave located in the so-called. Mirowskie rocks (about the Three Sisters), extending between the castles in Mirów and Bobolice in Jura Cracow-Częstochowskiej. Area of landscape park. Inside the cave are four openings: one at the base monadnock, two located at a height of several meters (to get to them can be easy to climb) and the fourth, virtually inaccessible, facing the rock wall at a height of 8 m. Between them run on a network of corridors developed vertical cracks and narrow, with some sections up to 5 m in height. It is noted here a strong whiff of air, thus shallower parts of the cave is dry and the walls were heavily corroded. Low leads to depth of massif and about section of tube steeply dropping corridor; he (it) owns walls by water factorial ogładzone. Two wells partition him (it) 4 and one-meter long (-m) depth 7. The lowest part of the cave, located at -21 m, is a small hallway leaving the bottom of the 7-foot-wells, filled with clay. Cave stalagmite has no clothes. The bottom cover silt loam.