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Je moet ingelogd zijn om deze cache te loggen of te bewerken.
Toon cache statistieken
FADED Tallinn - OP8KBT
Alan Walker – Faded.
Eigenaar: gut14
Log in om de coördinaten te kunnen zien.
Hoogte: 6 meter NAP
 Provincie: Estland > Eesti
Cache soort: Onbekende Cache
Grootte: Normaal
Status: Kan gezocht worden
Geplaatst op: 17-12-2016
Gemaakt op: 17-12-2016
Gepubliceerd op: 17-12-2016
Laatste verandering: 16-11-2018
0x Gevonden
2x Niet gevonden
2 Opmerkingen
watchers 1 Volgers
71 x Bekeken
0 x Gewaardeerd
Beoordeeld als: n/b
Om de coördinaten en de kaart te zien
van de caches
moet men ingelogd zijn
Cache attributen

Dangerous Cache  Torch needed  Fixed by magnet  Monumental place  Access only by walk 

Lees ook het Opencaching attributen beschrijving artikel.
Beschrijving EN PL

One of my favorite song - and looks like I'm not the only one, seeing the achievements:

Now my story related with this song.

By the chance, after two weeks of an apartment in the hotel I learned from the nicest girls in Tallinn that one of the places shown in the music clip is just a stone’s throw away. With this girl I met this place, and with Her assumed cache - have a nice caching.

More details about this place:

To start caching focus on the music clip: start at 0:04 second, where cords lead up (59 ° 26'40.4 "N 24 ° 45'15.1" E) and here begins our adventure. Please watch music clip and::

1:09 - this moment we are interested the most - look around, Walk up/down on stairs, admire the view and looking for a way to recharge our energy. OBYTGAFK will help You for sure.

We recommend to watch the music clip few times before you start caching, you will find more interesting places not only those included here by us.

To enjoy graffiti and to move safely it is recommend to search by daylight. For final, you can always come back by darkness if during daylight will be too much Muggles. The finale is with lot of things You could change “Take and leave”

The place could be very busy, especially during the summer. Look out for Muggles, mainly lovers who could see anything beyond themselves, but be carefully. Carefully is also highly recommended when moving around the facility, sometimes hard, sometimes dirty - depends on who and where is looking for. Cache multistep based sometimes on graffiti so if recoating appear there could be problem with taking all steps - please contact us. Snow difficult or impossible to find the pre-final stage. As it was established long time ago, now nearly all nice graffiti gone, I add more picture - to see how it was before, and to help with steps researching. It can be that one of step it will be only on the picture. Now 16.11.18 I recover it by my self, it is not so nice but it is like it is.

Have a nice tour.


Personally, I advice try to reach the other two places from the video:

  1. Rummu quarry:

  1. The ruins of a building near the cliff - Time 3:19'38.4%22N+24%C2%B006'14.2%22E/@59.327337,24.1017523,489m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x0!8m2!3d59.327337!4d24.103941

Link to my music clip’s interpretation for this place made in last summer during my previous visit to Tallinn:


Deze cache eigenaar geeft je de kans om de eindcoördinaten te controleren. Doe dit voordat je gaat zoeken!
Statistieken: Pogingen: 0 keer, Hits: 0 keer.
Extra hints
Je moet ingelogd zijn om de hints te zien
Graffiti - above the sun
Graffiti 2
Graffiti 3
Graffiti 4
Graffiti 5
Graffiti 5a
Graffiti 5b
Graffity 6
Graffiti 7
Graffiti 8
Graffiti 9