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Toon cache statistieken
Nowe Włochy 1 - OP8JY9
Włochy garden city
Eigenaar: Maciek_B
Deze cache maakt deel uit van GeoPath!
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Hoogte: 107 meter NAP
 Provincie: Polen > mazowieckie
Cache soort: Puzzel Cache
Grootte: Micro
Status: Kan gezocht worden
Tijd: 0:15 h    Lengte: 0.50 km
Geplaatst op: 17-11-2016
Gemaakt op: 09-11-2016
Gepubliceerd op: 17-11-2016
Laatste verandering: 14-09-2023
25x Gevonden
0x Niet gevonden
3 Opmerkingen
watchers 5 Volgers
206 x Bekeken
18 x Gewaardeerd
Beoordeeld als: uitstekend
2 x Aanbevolen
Deze cache is aanbevolen door: keram58, WASYLPL
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Beschrijving EN PL

Nowe Włochy district is one of former garden cities, today within administrative borders of Warsaw. The aim of them was to combine advantages of city and countryside, so: quite big building plots, with much share of green area, but also well developed infrastructure and convenient connection with the city centre by train. Nowe Włochy till today has those features. The district also has an interesting urban structure, with regular system of streets - which is not very common in Warsaw. Some streets does not run along straight line, but semicircularly - around the central point (the intersection of ks. J. Chrościckiego and Rybnicka streets, with the church). Also the names of those streets inform about it - Łuki Wielkie - Great Arcs, Łuki Małe - Small Arcs, Łuczek - Tiny Arc. Every street in the district has a bit different character - the main axis - ks. J. Chrościckiego street - is really a tunnel of green in spring and summer. Another ones, like Dekarska or Szuberta streets are more spacious, with far views. And others, like Głubczycka or Przyłęcka streets, are a bit mysterious, full of old buildings. Along Rybnicka street we can see a historical avenue of trees, which form a unique view axis. All of that make the district really a perfect place for a walk, during all seasons.

But, not so fast. The cache is off course not on initial coordinates. It will be necessary to solve an easy (I hope) puzzle, to get to know the target of a walk (dots mean multiplication off course).


N 52° 12.x' E 020° 53.y'


Deze cache eigenaar geeft je de kans om de eindcoördinaten te controleren. Doe dit voordat je gaat zoeken!
Statistieken: Pogingen: 195 keer, Hits: 21 keer.
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Logs: Gevonden 25x Niet gevonden 0x Opmerking 3x Alle logs