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Toon cache statistieken
Othello - Park cache - OP0B21
Eigenaar: HaCek
Plaatser: Tyranek
Log in om de coördinaten te kunnen zien.
Hoogte: 273 meter NAP
 Provincie: Polen > śląskie
Cache soort: Puzzel Cache
Grootte: Normaal
Status: Kan gezocht worden
Geplaatst op: 15-02-2008
Gemaakt op: 28-02-2008
Gepubliceerd op: 28-02-2008
Laatste verandering: 04-08-2016
103x Gevonden
0x Niet gevonden
12 Opmerkingen
watchers 11 Volgers
118 x Bekeken
80 x Gewaardeerd
Beoordeeld als: uitstekend
7 x Aanbevolen
Deze cache is aanbevolen door: ajka, Chochlik., Joutseny, KEISOR, Kondi&Team, mimat, my78
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van de caches
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Cache attributen

Go geocaching with children  Bike  Nature 

Lees ook het Opencaching attributen beschrijving artikel.
Beschrijving EN PL
Dodatkowe atrybuty skrzynki

N 50° 17.E(D-1)(A-4) E 018° 59.(F-3)BC
You will complete the above coordinates after solving 6 Othello problems. To get a single-digit coordinate number you must add the ciphers to get a single-digit number. At problems B-F, first convert the square on board to a number according to its alphabetical order. Example: A8 => 1+8 = 9, G5 => 7+5 => 12=> 1+2 = 3.
 The strategy of othello, unlike a beginner thinks, is in capturing the lowest possible number of opponent's discs (maximazing come only in the endgame). The less discs you have, the more possible moves to play, and vice versa. In this position, white is in lead because he has more possible moves than black and thus can force black, with correct moves, to play wherever white wants. How many possible moves does white have to play in this position?

 To keep low number of discs, you must try to flip just few of them every turn. Which move (the best move in this position) can black play to flip the lowest number of white discs?




Next to capturing the lowest number of discs, it is important to fight for the discs in the center of the board. Especially on squares D4, E4, D5, E5. These central discs give you the greatest possibility to play elsewhere, to any side of the board. Which black's move turns the most central discs?

You must notice that the most important squares on the board are corners. A disc in a corner can never be captured and flipped. In every game players fight for corners, so it is not recommended to place discs to squares right next to them. For example, in this game white has made a mistake by playing to G7 because black can soon enter into the corner and gain a huge lead in the game. Which black's move flips a disc on the C3-F6 diagonal so that black can play to the H8 corner in his next move?

The endgames are probably the most important part of the game. You can spoil all your effort in few last moves. In the position here, black has two last moves. White cannot play so after any of these moves he will have to pass and black will finish the game. However, there is a big difference in the order of playing moves A2 and A8. One of them gives black a win 34:30, the other not more than a draw 32:32. Which move should black now play to win the game?




EN: The last and the most complicated problem. Black to move. He must play precisely to win 33:31, only one move is winning. Of course suppose that white will reply with the best moves. Which black's move is the only one in the position to guarantee a win?

The cache is hidden in the Park close to chess tables (see photo). In summer during nice weather, the tables are filled with players, it might even be difficult to find a free spot. The signal may not be excellent so do not be afraid to use the fotohint.

If you liked solving the problems, there is another bonus one, it shows there are always exceptions from all strategic rules, and how rich this game is. In the position, white will make a quite unusual move. In his next move, he will attack black and in his 3rd move he will go to a corner. He will simply force black to let him go to a corner. If you are ablo to solve this hard problem, you can let us now and you can attend official tournaments right away :-)

You can find instructions in English (they are very short and simple) on this webpage: Reversi Wikipedia The rules are in the "Play" section. You can also find useful strategy tips and many interesting links.

Deze cache eigenaar geeft je de kans om de eindcoördinaten te controleren. Doe dit voordat je gaat zoeken!
Statistieken: Pogingen: 221 keer, Hits: 19 keer.
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