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Park Arkadia - OP2DC2
Właściciel: Namarie
Zaloguj się, by zobaczyć współrzędne.
Wysokość: 85 m n.p.m.
 Województwo: Polska > mazowieckie
Typ skrzynki: Tradycyjna
Wielkość: Normalna
Status: Zarchiwizowana
Data ukrycia: 10-10-2010
Data utworzenia: 12-10-2010
Data opublikowania: 12-10-2010
Ostatnio zmodyfikowano: 26-08-2020
181x znaleziona
12x nieznaleziona
4 komentarze
watchers 8 obserwatorów
86 odwiedzających
111 x oceniona
Oceniona jako: dobra
7 x rekomendowana
Skrzynka rekomendowana przez: antonio, jatar, MalinPablo, MiMPy+KBSJ, Olisz, Yarorz, ziellona
Musisz się zalogować,
aby zobaczyć współrzędne oraz
mapę lokalizacji skrzynki
Atrybuty skrzynki

Można zabrać dzieci  Umiejscowiona na łonie natury, lasy, góry itp  Miejsce historyczne 

Zapoznaj się z opisem atrybutów OC.

I would like to invite you to one of the Warsaw's most interesting parks. Arcadia Park is located next to the Królikarnia palace. From the terrace of Królikarnia there is a beautiful view at ponds of Arcadia, Krolikarnia looks charmingly seen from the bottom, surrounded by crowns of old Arcadian trees.

Arcadia Park covers a part of the Vistula scarp, here rather peculiar in Warsaw, because not transformed by the human. In the escarpment there are natural springs which supply water to the three ponds below. In the upper part there was a palace. It is probably the most picturesque park in Warsaw, with really wonderful views and very old trees.

There are over 80 species of wild animals, including many protected. This park is loved by birdwatchers. Here live woodpeckers (medium spotted, great spotted and green), tawny owls, robins, nightingales, eurasian nuthatches, greenfinches, hawfinches, golden orioles, siskins and waxwings.

A bit of history

Arkadia -the park and the palace- was founded in XVII century, designed by Tylman van Gameren. In 1720 it was purchased by the king Augustus II the Strong. In XIX century local springs were recognized for their health benefits and the palace was transformed into a spa, with many beautiful villas built around. Unfortunately we can’t see the palace today – it was completely destroyed during the II WW.

In 2008 the area was recognizeg as a landscape park, to protect “high biodiversity, unique in built-up space of Warsaw." It is also an important ecological corridor, especially for migrating birds. And the escarpment here is called by many “a geological monument”.

The cache

Please, do not scary birds and animals, don’t damage trees.

Therefore I give you exact description. A treasure is very east to find – go to the eastern part of the park, close to the private gardens. Find a small stream with a line of very old willows. Look for its nothern end. There is a tree with a really big hollow, at chest high and approach it from the stream side. If there is a big pile near one of the trees (well, I hope they’ll remove it) – it’s exactly that tree.

Taking the treasure so not so easy (that’s why the difficulty of the task is 3). Many people can watch you. They are walking, jogging, sitting on benches, driving on the road, working in the gardens or entering garden gates next to the cache. Be very careful. If you’re not sure it’s completly safe, wait a bit. Read a book or walk. I don’t recommend visiting at night – there are street lamps around and you’d be quite visible.

Of course do not open the box under the tree, take it for some walk. And when you put it away– mask it well with leaves and soil in the hollow.

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