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 Wpisy do logu Forte Sperone - Genova    {{found}} 5x {{not_found}} 0x {{log_note}} 2x Photo 6x Galeria  

4118161 2022-11-26 13:11 rekomendacja Tungmar (user activity58) - Znaleziona

Oh, twelve years later! It was an adventure and I had to hurry. I found it regardless, and the cache is in great condition. But from the start:

When I had a look at the caching map for Genova, I was amazed to see 4 OpenCaches in the vicinity. For sure, those caches would be my goal for the caching day I had planned for. And this one especially since it is in an exciting sight and OConly (I think at least – there are no attributes set).

I hiked up from the old town of Genova. When I arrived at the gate of Forte Sperone I found it locked – really locked with a thin chain and a massive padlock. From the provided picture, I figured that the cache should be behind this iron bars. But I did not give up just yet and found an easy way in nearby. It was so obvious, just follow the path around the gate.

Right inside, I located where the cache should be hidden – and here the real trouble started. The way is blocked by a big bush full of thick thorns! There're is no way around it. While I was standing there and thinking about climbing the thorns or giving up, another visitor came out of the ford. I must have looked a bit lost, as he started explaining to me how to live the fort (in Italian, which I don't understand). But he left soon the way I came in.

Then I explored the ford. What an amazing and huge place! It was very an interesting sight. On the way out, I grabbed one of the planks which was used to make the draw bride a bit saver to cross. With this I could cross also the thorns. Yes! There were more thorns on the way to where the spoiler picture indicates, but way less. And I found the cache in good condition, all great!

While I logged the cache, I heard suddenly voices outside the gate! They were talking about how sad it is that the gate is locked, but I knew they will find the way in as well easily – and then I would stand in plain sight at the cache location where it is now very unusual to stand with all these thorns! So I hurried to put the cache back together and hide it again. All good. Now back throughout and over the thorns.

They caught me when I put the plank back on to the bridge and called me. No, the ford is probably not open, but you can go in and explore it. Have fun!

I did have fun doing this adventurous old cache, which no one found in such a long time! And also the location is great. Thank you Tusial. for this amazing cache!

But the whole adventure did sadly not happen without leaving a trace: I in the thorns and the thorns on me... But it should be all OK.

T2.0 D2.0 SSmall 13:11

Ostatnio edytowany 2022-12-08 21:15:58 przez użytkownika Tungmar - w całości zmieniany 1 raz.
Obrazki do tego wpisu:
Entrance with plank bridge
Entrance with plank bridge
Thorns at the cache location
Thorns at the cache location