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Wysokość: 254 m n.p.m.
Polska > małopolskie
Typ skrzynki:
Gotowa do szukania
15:00 h
Długość trasy:
0.20 km
Data ukrycia: 27-10-2004
Data utworzenia: 20-07-2006
Data opublikowania: 20-07-2006
Ostatnio zmodyfikowano: 20-07-2006
236x znaleziona
4x nieznaleziona
2 komentarze
10 obserwatorów
141 odwiedzających
142 x oceniona
Oceniona jako:
6 x rekomendowana
Skrzynka rekomendowana przez:
Bartek111, Mario84 , Sylvia&Peter, Tris, wgruncierzeczywiscie, ZenonArtTeam
Musisz się zalogować,
aby zobaczyć współrzędne oraz
mapę lokalizacji skrzynki
The cache is hidden close to a landmark on the top of a hill in Kraków.
Between 1820 and 1823 a 34-metre high mound was raised in memory of the Tadeusz Kosciuszko, who led an army of peasants to victory in the battle against the Russians at Raclawice.
An Austro-Hungarian fort was later constructed surrounding the mound, and today the place still has a special feeling connected to it. Although parts of this fortress are now in ruins, it contains a Hotel, the headquarters of the Polish radio-station RMF-FM, a cafe, restaurant and two museums.
From the top of the mound there is a great view of the city and although most tourists never go here, it is a must-see in Kraków.
The easiest way to reach the mound is by bus #100 from either Salwator or Rondo Grundwalskie. However, it is much nicer to walk from the city-centre.
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