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B&B9 Klif Pulli - OP1D5F
Właściciel: BeautyAndBeast
Zaloguj się, by zobaczyć współrzędne.
Wysokość: 8 m n.p.m.
 Województwo: Estonia > Eesti
Typ skrzynki: Tradycyjna
Wielkość: Normalna
Status: Gotowa do szukania
Czas: 1:00 h    Długość trasy: 0.50 km
Data ukrycia: 26-07-2009
Data utworzenia: 01-08-2009
Data opublikowania: 01-08-2009
Ostatnio zmodyfikowano: 01-08-2009
4x znaleziona
0x nieznaleziona
0 komentarze
watchers 0 obserwatorów
23 odwiedzających
2 x oceniona
Oceniona jako: b.d.
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Można zabrać dzieci  Umiejscowiona na łonie natury, lasy, góry itp 

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Opis EN

Found this place from a road atlas and since we enjoyed a lot a different scenic "pank" (cliff) not long ago then we decided to check this place out. After a little driving and walking we got there and knew that it deserves a little more attention ie. a cache :)
A little info we managed to find online: length of the cliff is ~430m and height is 3.5m. You can read a bit more if you follow the link below.

Link: Saaremaa pangad [EST]

About the cache
This cache is published on: [], [] and []
Car access is possible but a little tricky so here are our tips: look at our very simple map-picture, from the main asphalt road turn next to a bus stop in Pulli, then keep left and follow the track until an Allikamäe sign. Road isn't too good but we managed to drive there with a small car and didn't drown in puddles. A little bit further you will find enough room to leave your car (N 58° 36.775 E 022° 57.428). Walk in the same direction until you see a fence, keep walking until it turns. Turn right, keep walking, turn right once again and walk along the sea admiring the view. When you reach the next right turn start looking for our cache :)
We don't recommend taking a shortcut before reaching the fence because you might be on a private property and there is no proper path. Also, trying to reach this place from East (not from bus stop) you will end up on a private property (!)

Container is a plastic box (dimensions: 15 x 15 x 7 cm) put in a vapour permeable membrane sachet - it should allow the box to dry fast after getting wet - we are testing how this method works so please do NOT add any plastic bag.
Do not dig!

Original contents
» logbook, pencil, sharpener, tissues, FTF diploma, GC instructions
» stickers, tractor, aloha lanyard, necklace, lock, green stone, pumpkin eraser, fish magnet, Polish coin
» GeoKrets: B&B's Maurice the Aye-aye II and B&B's Magic Tricks
» TravelBugs: Light House Geocoin

Happy hunting!

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